PEOPLE’S MIND – The mass resignation of a number of cadres of the West Java Democratic Party occurred in various regions in West Java . One of them is in Purwakarta Regency.
The chairman of the DPC Democratic Party of Cibatu District, Purwakarta, Ade Winarto, has also resigned since May 3, 2023. He and all sub-district and branch level administrators have taken off their blue shirts.
“Besides me, other colleagues, both DPC and PAC administrators, will also be resigning. Like Deputy Secretary I and DPC officials who have also resigned,” said Ade Winarto on Tuesday, May 9, 2023.
Then, said Ade, Deputy Treasurer I of the Democrat DPC also resigned. “Incidentally there was also a letter of resignation, then the Bappilu section that resigned, including the Head of the Democrat DPC Education and Training Division also resigned,” he said.
Previously, Ade continued, he was the only one who would resign. It turned out that many other cadres had also resigned. It’s just different times.
“I expressed my intention to resign from the Democratic Party because I am no longer comfortable in the party. What is clear is that we are no longer comfortable in the party. If the authority lies with the DPC board, only me as the Cibatu District PAC administrator and the others are under the Cibatu PAC. all resigned,” he said.
Not only from the grassroots, previously, potential Democratic Party cadres also resigned. One of them is Deputy Regent of Sumedang Erwan Setiawan. Erwan is also the son of a West Java community leader in the field of football, namely Umuh Muchtar .
The chairman of the Sumedang Democratic Party DPC, Willy Jordan, some time ago said personally that Erwan Setiawan had announced his resignation from the Democratic Party some time ago.
“He has stated his resignation through the WhatsApp group,” he said.
In addition, responding to the news of Erwan’s move to another party, Willy said that it was everyone’s political right. “That is his right, and perhaps it is also the best choice for Mr. Erwan,” he said.
Looking at the current political strength of the Democrats, with Erwan’s departure, many people think that they will experience significant losses.
However, Willy considered that losing Erwan would motivate him to develop the Democratic Party in Sumedang.
“This is a motivation for me as chairman of the DPC. The Sumedang Democrats will not depend on regional figures. We have also started to improve the party’s infrastructure and will focus on winning the 2024 legislative and presidential elections,” he said.
Meanwhile, Willy also emphasized that Erwan’s departure from the Democrats would not be an obstacle for him in growing the party. “We also don’t feel lost by Erwan’s resignation,” said Willy. ***