We can’t force people to respect us.

by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru It s impossible. But we can force them to act respectfully with us. Today … i see all the situations when people are disrespectful to me …

We can’t force people to respect us

by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

It s impossible.

But we can force them to act respectfully with us.

Today … i see all the situations when people are disrespectful to me … as a karmic reply.

… which most certainly … i deserve.

I dislike that …. but somehow i accept it’s all part of the divine plan.

Yes …

Somehow … karma is making me aware of all the situations… when i was disrespectful in all sorts of abstract forms.

But … more it happens to me … much more i hate it … and i wonder myself when this storm of shitty energies … coming against me like an energetic attack … will stop.

In fact … i dare to ask … will it ever stop?!

Cause … there were so, so many ugly coincidences … when i had repetitively … such experiences.

But most certainly … i need to accept that either … i was a devil … or maybe the Universe wants to test my abilities of loving … the humans.

And … of course i’ve failed … all these tests … because if killing would not be illegal … i would certainly try to attack all those people which drove me crazy.

… in continuous form.

It was indeed like i was living a charade.

… a karmic charade.

Most probably …. I had to learn the lesson … the meaning … and the importance of … respect.

In any relationship.

…. with anyone.

But … with the passing of time … i had become wiser.

… much wiser.

After being … disrespectful … but also experience the clear evidence of disrespect from many … to me … i understood, but also accepted that it is impossible to force anyone from this plannet to … respect someone.

But … paradoxically … i believe that we can learn to act respectfully … by force.

Threatening … or being threaten … that the connection to be closed.

…. temporarily … or even forever.

For myself … it worked.

In both scenarios.

And … i am glad … I’ve found this trick.

It helped me … a lot.

I’ve disliked the dynamic of the whole situation … hating i had to live such episodes … but realising all it’s part of life … i knew it is time to know how i can adapt myself to

reconciliation… in any possible form.

For the need of that connection … whatever it was about.

Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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