And one day … you wake up again and realise it’s all a story about

…. sex and dollars. But again … like an idiot … you thought it’s … a love story. … cause it really looked like one.  …by romanian author Adrian Dumitru Truth be told … love …

you wake up again and realise it's all a story about

…. sex and dollars.

But again … like an idiot … you thought it’s … a love story.

… cause it really looked like one.  …by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Truth be told … love stories are amazing … and we all chase for them … even if we can’t admit it.

With the eyes closed …. we say… “Universe …. please … one more time…”.

Somehow …. we really believe we can have that amazing love story.

… but something as in hollywoodian movies.

Or … maybe … like in fairy tales.

Unfortunately … the passing of time … clearly shows us …. that love stories are a lot related … even if we like it or not … with sex and … dollars.

Good sex … connects into an amazing way a couple.

And … without the dollars … most certainly can live only the ones living in the forest … or the tribes from the small

islands from the Pacific Ocean.

… but it’s not our case … being irrelevant such examples.

Today … i smile … realising my naivety related to the love stories.

I mean … my own past love stories.

I understand the little percentage … of importance … of the love feelings.

So … i wonder why the hell society called into such a poetic style those stories … love stories … when in fact it’s maybe just 1-2% related to love?!

Well … we like it or not … we need to accept this weird paradox.

And see all … as normal.

We are living into a physical world … and all the emotions induced by sex … are sometimes so, so strong … that we totally forget about … love.

Even if we can’t admit it … both man and woman … would always comeback to an amazing sexual partner … even after years of not being together anymore.

Also … without the dollars … all would be … too limited.

We need to go out … go in vacations … have a ride with a beautiful car … buy together all we want, whenever we want …. and actually never have the sensation we are limited by something because we don’t have enough money.

So even if my pragmatic final conclusion is that the equation is love + sex + money = great love story … if we don’t really know the right proportions… we will always fail in such experiences.

Of course … like many others.

Maybe … being a teenager … it might de different.

I try to remember those times … but it always come into my mind the memory that i really did not had money at that time.

Of course … i was hungry of sex.

Well … most certainly… somehow it’s all related to the fact that we need to know how much we focus as percentage to … love, sex and dollars.

Then … we will actually see the dynamic of … all.

Download the book ”INSERT COIN

…and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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